Sexy older gay men snuggle

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Use of them by anyone is an infringement of copyright ! © All rights reserved. MY photographs are NOT to be reproduced, COPIED, BLOGGED, USED in any way shape or form. Inappropriate, negative, RUDE, 'X' or 'R' rated comments shall be removed forthwith & you will be blocked.

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Everyone was asked and they consented to be photographed and posted

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These photographs do NOT imply the person's sexual orientation in any way. ADDA DADA's photography presents a variety of adults at different public events.THANK YOU for visiting my virtual art gallery! Enjoy my original 'social documentary' photographs of various events !.HELLA SEXY BIG BULGE HUNK ! photographed by ADDA DADA at the SANTA SKIVVIES RUN 2021 ! ( safe photo ) Thanks for the over HALF-A-BILLION views!

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